Here's just a small sampling of services we have provided to date:
Provided process improvement ideas, models and training for a large, modern steelmaker
Provided training and technical engineering support regarding EAF steelmaking for Asian steelmaker
Process improvement ideas and training for an SBQ producer
Ladle furnace training for a supplier of plate and coil for the oil industry
Optimization of a Consteel EAF
Startup assistance for two EAF revamps
Process improvement and optimization for a sheet producer
Expert witness in steel related litigation
Advisement for a greenfield EAF project
Consultation with investors in a potential purchase of a shuttered plate facility
Training for LMF operators in a melt shop producing sheet steel
Training for LMF operators in a melt shop producing wire rod, rail and OCTG casing
Mentoring of a process engineering department at a melt shop producing sheet steel
Expert witness in steel related litigation